Chrome remote desktop arch
Chrome remote desktop arch

chrome remote desktop arch

# ^huom jos amd-cpu ei intel-ucode:a, jos ei vanhaa nvidia-gpu:ta ei nouveau:ta jne

chrome remote desktop arch

Pacman -S -needed alsa-tools alsa-utils archlinux-xdg-menu base-devel bind-tools bc ca-certificates evince exfat-utils freerdp git gmrun grub gtk2-perl gvim htop intel-ucode leafpad lftp libxss linux-headers man-db man-pages mlocate obconf openbox openssh pacman pavucontrol pcmanfm perl perl-file-mimeinfo pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa sudo ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-liberation wget xdg-utils xf86-video-nouveau xlockmore xorg xorg-fonts-misc xorg-xcalc xorg-xclock xorg-xinit xorg-xrandr xorg-xlsfonts xscreensaver xterm

#Chrome remote desktop arch zip#

Xorg-xlsfonts xorg-xrandr xterm zip xclip Vte3 vte4 wget xdg-utils xorg xorg-fonts-misc xorg-xcalc xorg-xclock xorg-xinit \ Openbox pcmanfm plocate tig ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation unzip \ Pacman -S -needed arandr archlinux-xdg-menu aspnet-targeting-pack base-devel \īash-completion bc dotnet-sdk firefox geany git leafpad lttng-ust2.12 obconf \ # quemu guest Xorg, aur and dotnet capabilities, small X apps Ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Helsinki /etc/localtime Pacman -S -needed dhcpcd dhcping gvim grub htop jq ksh man-db man-pages moreutils strace sudo rsnapshot texinfo # pre 2023, without archinstall script, small qemu guest dev box with X Pacman -S -needed neofetch xorg-xwd xdotool feh xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xrandr xorg-xwininfo Slow start ups of GTK apps and using wayland maybe? If you do not remove USB stick after it is loaded to RAM NEW in 2022-12 archinstall script may crash when attempting to partition No more excessive configuring of smallest repetitive details _b

chrome remote desktop arch

NEW in 2021 - archinstall script is now (was?) in installer. Try soon? in-kernel smb3 share, small subset of samba features but fast Index of /~ltuuri/apu/os/arch_linux pacman -Syu & pacman -Scc pacman -S archlinux-keyring # if some time since last use

Chrome remote desktop arch